Skin care through sport

So kann sich Training auf dein Hautbild auswirken

Nicht nur wird eine klare Haut als schön angesehen, sondern sie ist auch ein Indikator für einen gesunden Stoffwechsel. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass Sport positive Auswirkungen auf viele körperliche Prozesse hat. Doch kann regelmäßiges Training auch der Haut zugutekommen?

Positive stress reaction of your skin

What happens to your skin when you exercise?

Exercise can help stimulate your body and skin from the inside and have positive effects.

Regular activity promotes blood circulation and renews your skin cells. The increased blood circulation leads to improved oxygen absorption, which in turn improves regeneration and cell renewal. In addition, free radicals can be better fought off, which has a positive effect on the health of your skin.

Skin-tightening effect

Physical activity can also have a skin-tightening effect as it stimulates collagen production, which keeps your skin firm and has a positive effect on skin aging. As a nice side effect, regular exercise also strengthens your muscles.

Finished with the workout!

Straight into the shower?


Even though it feels great to jump straight into the shower after a strenuous workout, be patient and let your body calm down a bit. Drink a large glass of water while you do this to replenish your hydration levels.

Less is more!

This means: lower the water temperature and get out of the shower quickly. This way you protect your skin's protective barrier, avoid irritation and minimize the risk of dehydration. You can also try alternating showers, i.e. changing the temperature from warm to cold water.

Make-up during sports

If you exercise while wearing makeup, you should clean your face with a gentle face wash while it is still warm and your pores are open. Because your pores open when you exercise, makeup can penetrate even more easily and clog pores, which can lead to inflammation.